
Round Robin Tuesday, Kindredly edition!

Gather around the radio kids! It's time for the Tuesday round robin power hour with AJ, Brooke and Sole Matters. We're joined this week by Kindredly (go check her out!)

3 questions from Sole Matters:

1. How do you want to celebrate your 30th birthday?
I would like to celebrate it on the beach...preferably back in Hawaii...with just me and the boy (that would be a perfect honeymoon, huh?). I don't wanna make a big deal about leaving my 20's. I'm not especially happy with myself over a great deal of my 20's so I'm really just ready to move on to my 30's and start anew.

2. Who is one person/band that you haven't seen in concert that you are dying to see?
U2. LOVE them. They're playing in Las Vegas at the end of October...we're trying like HELL to get tickets. Cost be damned...

3. Your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. How will you maintain your secret identity?
wow...two problems here. a) I don't think dandelions smell very good. I refuse to smell bad b) people lie all the damn time. Maybe if people were "outed" every time they lied...they would do less of it. So maybe this superpower would be better off NOT hidden?

3 questions from Brooke:

1. You have the perfect day planned with your honey, spent outside. The day of, you wake up to pouring rain! What do you do instead?
Sex. I'd freakin' stay in bed all day. Lord, it doesn't even need to be a rainy day for me to want that! I think I may have a sickness :-)

2. When you're feeling a little crazy with life, who is the person you know you can call to help you feel a little more sane?
Fortunately, I haven't needed a sanity check in quite a while but...it really depends on the situation. Life in general making me crazy? Wolf. Wolf making me crazy? Roomie. Work and career...and sometimes life in general? Mr. Mister. I count myself lucky to have so many "go to" people that love and care about me.

3. Is there a certain scent or smell that someone has told you reminds them of you?
No, that would be a sweet compliment though. There is a scent that does that for me, though. Lilacs remind me of my grandmother. I loved her to death. I dont right now but normally I have lilac scented candle in my office. I know what I'm going to Target for tonight...

3 questions from Me:

1. when you were a kid, what was one job you wanted when you grew up?
Don't laugh. I wanted to be a Wal Mart checker. I was probably 7 or 8 at the time. I just remember thinking that looked like a great job and would pretend to be one when I played by myself at home. I would even call for price checks. Yeah, I was a messed up kid :-)

2. if you could have a 15 minute conversation with one dead person, who would it be?
My grandmother. I miss her like crazy and would love for her to hear all about Wolfie.

3. three crazy items you have in your purse right now?
ok...I have a BIG ASS purse...so you can bet your ass that there are weird things in there at times! right now: 1) still have our room key from the trip to Aspen 2) a lighter in the shape of a tiki doll 3) a package of pop tarts that looks like it's been run over 328 times. There could be a small family of refugees living down there too...at this point, we don't know.


  1. Maybe if people were "outed" every time they lied...they would do less of it. So maybe this superpower would be better off NOT hidden? <---great point!

    the wal mart checker thing is cute!

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